Top 10 Microsoft PowerToys Features You Need To Enable Today

Although Windows is highly recommended for advanced users, there are situations in which they must rely on the internet to access particular applications, such as rearranging keyboard keys or resizing images. Nevertheless, with these concerns in consideration, Microsoft has already introduced an application known as Microsoft PowerToys, which significantly enhances your Windows experience. In light of this, the following are ten of the most advantageous uses of Microsoft PowerToys.

Resize Images 1.

Resizing large images is a hassle, whether you are working on a project or composing an article, because you must seek for websites and then upload your images. Fortunately, PowerToys permits the simultaneous resizing of multiple images. To accomplish this:

Right-click the image that you wish to use.
Choose Image Resizing.

Variously rename files

Renaming files individually is a particularly aggravating task, in part due to the considerable quantity of time required. PowerRename is a utility that enables users to rename multiple files simultaneously. This is how:

Right-click the target files after selecting them.
Navigate to “PowerRename.”
Enter the revised file names and choose the desired criteria.

File previews

Those who have recently transitioned from macOS to Windows would have observed that Windows does not include a file preview function, necessitating users to launch each file manually in order to view it. By displaying a preview of files and PDFs on the right, PowerToys resolves this issue. It is crucial to mention, nevertheless, that users are restricted to a ten-page scrolling limit when viewing a PDF preview. For file previewing:

Select the desired file by clicking on it.
Enter CTRL+Space

Select Colours

Individuals who work in the graphics industry are well aware of how difficult it can be to find the ideal colour, given the plethora of alternatives that number in the millions. The Colour Picker utility enables users to determine the HEX or RGB value of any icon or page simply by pointing their mouse at it. To activate it, simply press Windows+Shift+C once it is enabled.

Modify Keyboard

Even if a single key on your keyboard malfunctions, there is no reason to purchase an entirely new keyboard. This is due to the fact that PowerToys allows you to remap a key that is infrequently used to the malfunctioning key. Furthermore, it is possible to utilise this functionality to add additional special characters to your keyboard while engaged in a project.

Text extraction from images

Although Windows is capable of extracting text from images, the procedure requires a screenshot or the transfer of the image. The Text Extractor application, on the other hand, simplifies this procedure by permitting users to extract text from images without storing them. This is how:

To enable the feature, press Windows+Shift+T.
Choose the region from which the text is to be copied.
Illustration of the Text Extractor function

Prevent the slumber mode of your laptop

There are situations in which you desire your computer to remain active, such as when you are downloading games or finishing a large render. While it is possible to configure the screen slumber time to never occur through the Settings menu, the requirement to do so explicitly renders the process vexing. Nonetheless, you can easily designate a time period during which you do not want your computer to slumber by utilising the Awake setting.

Configure Windows

Windows possesses an already superior window management implementation in comparison to alternatives such as macOS. FancyZones, on the other hand, surpasses this functionality by permitting users to not only select from an extensive variety of custom windows but also create their own configurations.

Maintain windows atop

When working on a large project, it is simple to loose track of the primary window amidst the multitude of windows that have been launched. The Always on Top function expedites the process by affixing a window to the top. Click on a window while holding down Windows+Ctrl+T to activate this feature.

File Locksmith 10.

We’ve all encountered situations in which Windows prevents us from deleting a programme or file, claiming that it is already active. Although such a situation would typically prompt you to restore your system, you can use File Locksmith to determine which application or process is utilising the file at the moment. To accomplish this:

Perform a right-click on the desired file in File Explorer.
From the menu, select the “What’s utilising this file?” option.

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